Some of the pictures presented on this site were received as contributions and remain property of the respective dog owners
who are responsable for their publication.
The webmaster, except for what personally submited, is not responsible for the published material. The webmaster had made
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In no envent the webmaster shall be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages.
This website contains links to other websites. The webmaster accepts no responsibility or liability for the content of websites
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Any showed trademark and all the deriving rights are property of the respective owners.
All the images, animations and interactive parts are freeware. None of them have been used without permission: for those that
are not freeware the webmaster was authorized to reproduce and,or elaborate them by the respective owners and creators.
2001-2023 © All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.